Dreamweaver CS5 adds support HTML5

Just saw that Adobe has added support for HTML5 and CSS3 to Dreamweaver CS5. You can find the extension at Adobe Labs.

The extension adds support for CSS3 and some HTML5 tags in Live View, HTML5 and CSS3 code hinting, HTML5 starter documents, plus some other things. I’m expecting the features in this extension to improve in the future as more HTML5 features get rolled into browsers.

I’m really looking forward to getting a chance to play with this. With that, and the additions of Drupal and WordPress support, Dreamweaver CS5 looks to become quite a useful tool for doing web development.

Christmas in April, Part II

We began discussing what an interesting month April has been in Christmas in April, Part I. Now we’ll get into what’s happening with Apple.

Apple kicked off the month with the official release of the iPad. I personally think the device is a huge deal. I can definitely see where it would fit in with my day to day activities.

Then this week, the released the long awaited MacBook Pro. As I said in the previous article, I’ve been holding out for this machine for a long time, and I’m super excited to get one. Continue reading